Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Break

Christmas break has officially started for me today. After sitting through the Christmas assembly, an hour of nothing. Seriously the student council at my school think their hilarious, but they really aren't. Nobody had a clue what was funny about it, which followed the jokes that were booed. No one really laughed at the little skits. They best part was cheering to try and get teachers up on the stage to dance/sing. That and when students themselves were actually participating in the random stuff. Also congratulations to the band (made up by gr.11 students, 3 of which are in at least 1 class with me, 1 isn't in any), they weren't half bad. Better than the students who couldn't complete the end of the carols in a battle of the grades contest, the gr. 12's won, which doesn't make a difference seeing as they always win due to the fact that student council president is in gr. 12.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Snowfall and a Concert

Well I'm in the region that got hit with a major snowstorm on Sunday. The roads were horrible, but since I was in any of the cars that got stuck, I just laughed at those who could barely move their car. even after the major snowfall there was still school on Monday, but because my mother was being nice and it would be a horrible walk to the bus stop, I had a personal snow day. Which of course didn't matter because most people didn't realize there was school. A part of the problem was that the 2 VPs were standing outside at the driveways to keep people from pulling into the parking lot. The only reason they were doing that though was because the school parking lots had yet to be cleared for student use. So over all I didn't miss much, especially since I was to miss most of the day for the feeder school concert. Which I was told turned out to be horrible.

Which brings me to today, and the public production of the school's concert. This year the choir and other talented singers singing favourite Christmas songs. It was so sad that the Chipmunks Christmas Song had to be canceled due to the fact that the guys singing it were unable to find the music for it. After taking the time to learn the lyrics and get those helium filled balloons to change their voices it annoying squeaks. Although I did tell one of the guys that while he was gone they would all magically popped. He looked at me like I was crazy. I must remind him one day that I must get him back for forcing me to do the can-can and some other weird dance (the one where you bob up and down at different times to the beat) while waiting for our turn to sing at the school board dinner., It was to bad 'cause he forced my friends to dance to, but I'm usually a quiet person, who usually doesn't dance like that when people from other high schools are staring at you like your crazy. It was fun but he now tries to convince me and my friends to dance with him when he is waiting for a practice to start before an assembly when he randomly walks by listen to his iPod, leaving us to dance to music only he can hear.

Either way back to the concert, it went pretty well tonight. No major mess ups other than the drummer for one band not showing up, and something going wrong with the sound system in the middle of Carol of the Bells. I'm surprised that it went so smoothly, usually there are major problems with the sound system. The one mic wasn't working for one song so the two singing had to share, no major feedback, nothing really it was quite amazing. Actually what surprised me was the band who lost their drummer and was unable to sing the song the originally planned on, did a great job with singing White Christmas, so congrats to them!!!! :) Overall it flowed smoothly and I'm happy it's over because I had to stand on the stage for over an hour. Hopefully the assembly tomorrow and on Friday will do just as well.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's That Time of Year Again

The time right before the break where teachers try to finish a unit, or give tests and major assignments to students. This week has been and will be a horribly busy school week. Law test on Monday (when I told it would be on Tuesday by the teacher), Bio test that I had to write after school on Tuesday, ISU essay for English, on the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, due Wednesday, I was suppose to have a chem test on Thursday (tomorrow) but I still don't get the unit because I have been to 4 classes since the start of the month and missed a week and a half in November so I get to have someone teach it to me and hopefully be able to write it next Thursday. Then I have the bio test for the unit on plants that we just finished on Friday. On top of all that I have my extra vocal course in which there is one more practice before we have to perform our song in front of the class, which is really small, and my group is no where near ready. And I have choir, singing at the mall on Friday, YAY!!!! no Law, a class that is made completely pointless by my class, who can go from certain laws to hunting [which happened today, but I was trying to finish Chem homework instead of listening], a 2 hour concert on Monday for grades 5-8 for the feeder schools for the high school I attend, followed by a 2 hour one the following night for the general public and then on the Wednesday there is a school gathering at which the choir gets to sing at again. Somehow I won't have any time to rest until Christmas break when I'm working on my Chem ISU, Law ISU, and Bio culminating assignment. Plus I have yet to start shopping for gifts, running out of time, way to much to do. Going into overload.